There is so much love in this world,
look for it and one shall find no dearth,
why this need for aggression, when
tough love can win you all of this earth.
A man's kindness comes through in
countless many ways, that is so true,
on faces of people around, the gentle
smiles, respecful glances that prove.
A colleague speaks, glowingly of this
gentle man, holding back welling tears.
Demands, drives hard, but in moments
of crisis, stands by us to allay our fears.
Late night at the office is a rarity for
his staff, but as well a rare pleasure,
Quiet call for an evening snack for 'em,
phones homes to prevent any censure.
Where each in his team has a voice,
indecisions there is clarity and candour,
Then successes are celeberated as all
together, in dance and joyous splendour.
A man of great power, treats all with
respect, be it his superior or supplier,
Takes a great heart to be like this man,
Emphatic but a unique knack to inspire.
We salute thee for the yeoman service
rendered onto this company, this nation,
Wish good health and happiness, for this
Arien, a long life full of love and affection.
We salute thee, the epitome of tough love.
We salute thee, the epitome of tough love.
Inner engineering - had heard so much about this program that I finally succumbed to my curiosity. Am also in a transition phase in my career and thought I had done so much of outer Engineering - Education, Networking, continuous learning of techniques and tools so felt it is time for some Inner Engineering. A three and a half day investment seemed quite appropriate as well at the Isha Centre in a scenic setting near Coimbatore. Here are some key learnings and insights for the ones interested….. First, it is a completely new journey into a realm that is beyond our normal logical, questioning mind. It calls for a leap of faith into a new dimension not easily explained by the axioms we are so familiar with in day to day life. However, it is done in a very "secular", non denominational, non-religious manner without pushing you too much. So well packaged and marketed in my view!! Second, it is an intense program both mentally and physically. You are in the program 24 hrs...
perhaps ,when we come across such wonderful people like Mr Raipurkar, we can introspect ,and see if we have been fair, if we too are shaping our life like him.If yes, then its a clear indication of our admiration .If not then , its time to think..