The period was early 17th century.... These were the waning years of the Mughal Empire and regional satraps were becoming powerful locally, splintering the Nation into several small Nation states. In a way, it was federalism even before the Americans or the West thought up of the concept. The West had just awakened to their future potential. Trading across seas became an important economic necessity. Many past trading superpowers such as China and India had clamped down on it, unwilling to expose its people to different cultures, ideas and thought. Slowly but surely, the trading companies became powerful economic forces in the countries they set up bases in. Nevertheless, they stayed focussed on business of their own until......
It took 145 years before they took sides in a local conflict. And therein found an opportunity to become even more powerful - by playing up differences among the people, fueling aspirations, leveraging treachery and self-interest of the locals. A tiny country, a few thousand miles to the west, had found a worthwhile cause for its newly awakened and energized people. It took 100 years more to consolidate, due to the shear vastness of this land. But surely, egged on by the narrow and parochial views of the local people not to mention greed, it wrested control.
A Nation was enslaved, sold by its own. And it took close to 9 decades before it broke free again. And it took anything but treachery and greed but rather sacrifice, self-righteousness and selflessness to free it from bondage.
Cut to 400 years later from 1612....
It is 64th year of Independence. Yet again we have a weak Central government caught up in a coalition and conflicts, unable to pass the simplest of laws or decrees. Welcome to federalism. Welcome to regional satraps vying for power, wealth, and control of pockets or regions or small territories. Their aspirations are one of establishing small but enduring dynasties in their own little spheres of influences. Greed is back and so is treachery, egotism and selfish motives disguised as idealogy.
Remember now that all of this is well IT enabled to ensure speed, precision and wide area of coverage.
The land is prime again for a foreign power to walk in and play one against the other and take over. And it shall not take 145 + 100 years. It may take a mere decade in this wired up World.
We see a superpower emerging in our backyard, with aspirations that are beyond its boundaries, region and hemisphere. Its mission is not to give its people a better life to live but to achieve "escape velocity" (to quote the author Raghav Bahl) in order to reach a different plane or level. All the details are still emerging or may never be known to the World but the parallels to so many villains of yesteryear James Bond flicks is unmistakable. World domination may yet be its objective. Yes... We speak of China, the emerging superpower.
It has been the fastest growing nation for over 2 decades. It has overtaken several countries to become the 2nd largest economy in the World in terms of absolute size. And it could overtake the numero uno in less than a decade. And there are several more firsts...
1. It has become the largest automobile producer in the World overtaking the US. It was in 10th position only 8 years back!!
2. It has the largest foreign exchange reserves of any country.
3. It arguably has the largest trade surplus of any country.
4. It has the largest population of any country at this present time.
5. It has made all it regional neighbours dependent on it for trade.
6. It has the largest proportion of spend of its GDP on Nation building.
And its awakening fast to its own potential and its rightful place in this World.
It has systematically made friends with all the small rulers of countries of this World that are rich in resources. In other words, It has befriended all the regional satraps.
India's Trade with China, targeted at US$10 billion in 2010 has zoomed to US$ 60 billion plus already. Chinese have been using all its might to push for opening up India to its companies, as seen in the telecom arena. It has quietly and strategically moved in - all around us, encircling us by befriending all our neighbours and taking advantage of our often antagonistic and ambivalent relationships with them. Its a moot point that it already funds some of the many outfits (and may be a few political parties) in this country to push its agenda to destabilise or keep India engaged otherwise. Motive? Ensure its own unfettered expansion and not have another potential demographic power upset its plans.
An India that is splintering itself across religious, idealogical, casteist, or other lines is a ready spoil for China and its untold aspirations.
But... you may say.... Our Armed Forces will not countenance such a scenario and will never let this happen. Remember, please..... First, our Armed Forces are one of the most disciplined entities we have and it goes by the orders of the representatives of the people, namely our Government and more specifically the Legislative branch. Second, they are busy fighting internal skirmishes and putting out the fires within. Third, are we sure they are fighting with weapons and munitions that are effective or will we find out in the field of battle that we have been sold-out by the so called "arms dealers and agents" for sub-standard weaponry?
So folks.... are we in for another bout of slavery in this country? May not be along same lines as last but nevertheless enslaved in thought, actions and ability to script our own destinies? At least it appears this Nations is priming itself for a potential situation like that.
As the saying goes, "people who forget history are doomed to repeat it..." Will this history repeat or will this Nation awaken in time to take stock and rewrite it..... The next 5 to 10 years will tell..... In the meantime brush up your Mandarin. It might yet come in handy!!
Inner engineering - had heard so much about this program that I finally succumbed to my curiosity. Am also in a transition phase in my career and thought I had done so much of outer Engineering - Education, Networking, continuous learning of techniques and tools so felt it is time for some Inner Engineering. A three and a half day investment seemed quite appropriate as well at the Isha Centre in a scenic setting near Coimbatore. Here are some key learnings and insights for the ones interested….. First, it is a completely new journey into a realm that is beyond our normal logical, questioning mind. It calls for a leap of faith into a new dimension not easily explained by the axioms we are so familiar with in day to day life. However, it is done in a very "secular", non denominational, non-religious manner without pushing you too much. So well packaged and marketed in my view!! Second, it is an intense program both mentally and physically. You are in the program 24 hrs...