Over two-thirds of planet earth,
yet potable is parts per million,
a molecule so precious, search
and find it, one place in a billion.
All of mankind is born in water,
its after all the life-giving potion.
Water, so abundant yet so rare,
Abuse not this, use but in ration,
Scores die in poorest of nations,
the life-giver itself turns poison,
unpotable water the scourge of
children with none other option.
Much wasted, so much thrown,
more the affluence in a nation,
Be aware, pledge to conserve.
and so consume in moderation.
Potatoes need 'em, crops more,
is at the core of food cultivation,
stop all wars, lay to rest all hate,
Strive hard, make a potable ocean
Inner engineering - had heard so much about this program that I finally succumbed to my curiosity. Am also in a transition phase in my career and thought I had done so much of outer Engineering - Education, Networking, continuous learning of techniques and tools so felt it is time for some Inner Engineering. A three and a half day investment seemed quite appropriate as well at the Isha Centre in a scenic setting near Coimbatore. Here are some key learnings and insights for the ones interested….. First, it is a completely new journey into a realm that is beyond our normal logical, questioning mind. It calls for a leap of faith into a new dimension not easily explained by the axioms we are so familiar with in day to day life. However, it is done in a very "secular", non denominational, non-religious manner without pushing you too much. So well packaged and marketed in my view!! Second, it is an intense program both mentally and physically. You are in the program 24 hrs...
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