We the people of India deserve a column, in my view, and hence this. While we are so diverse from North to South, East to West, the ethos we share across this 1 billion+ strong expanse are more or less the same and the bungle as well...... So if we can laugh at ourselves a lot more, I feel we will become a great country yet again but only faster. So I decided to compile some of our most interesting (stupid?) practices. It never surprises me how we are all so uncannily similar across these 3.2 million sq kilometers of spread. Here goes.... So you know you are in India if 1. housewives put toothpaste in their husband's and children's toothbrushes in the morning only to reduce paste consumption by the wonderfully unique and patentable "squeeze and pull" technqiue!! 2. you have at least one red+white hand-woven towel in your house 3. you always meld the last little "paper thin" piece of old bath-soap to the new one you just unwrapped 4. you always block the en...