1. What is Leadership? Can we really describe it of we only experience it? I believe the latter.
If so what are its attributes? I call it OPEC.......
O - Organisation orientation (also can be to a cause/mission)
P - People orientation
E - Expertise or Technical/Functional Orientation (Domain Knowledge)
C - Customer orientation
We constantly and intuitively check for these in our leaders and if we find all of them in good measure, we call them leaders.
2. What else must a leader possess? What would be the personality traits? How do know one when you see one? we do it by the 4 I's
I - Intensity
I - Intelligence
I - Intuitive
I -Introspective
I assumed Integrity as a given, ofcourse.
3. How does a Leader behave?
i) if you see a problem and u just state it - you are a cry baby and being just part of the problem
ii) if you see a problem and you bitch about it privately to every one - you are politicking
iii) if you see a problem and complain about it loudly and openly in a forum - you have an attitude problem
iv) if you see a problem and you state it and also present data and state how you are going to help solve it - You are a leader. it does not matter what your title is but you are a leader, 'cos Leadership does not need titles. It needs certain attributes, personality traits and behaviours.
Go forth and be a leader from tomorrow. The world needs more of them.
Inner engineering - had heard so much about this program that I finally succumbed to my curiosity. Am also in a transition phase in my career and thought I had done so much of outer Engineering - Education, Networking, continuous learning of techniques and tools so felt it is time for some Inner Engineering. A three and a half day investment seemed quite appropriate as well at the Isha Centre in a scenic setting near Coimbatore. Here are some key learnings and insights for the ones interested….. First, it is a completely new journey into a realm that is beyond our normal logical, questioning mind. It calls for a leap of faith into a new dimension not easily explained by the axioms we are so familiar with in day to day life. However, it is done in a very "secular", non denominational, non-religious manner without pushing you too much. So well packaged and marketed in my view!! Second, it is an intense program both mentally and physically. You are in the program 24 hrs...
Very thought provoking