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Need IOT more than SOBs at this time - Are you ready for the oncoming Tsunamic Transformation?

The title may outrage some but read on......

A pandemic like this is a great chance and as the sayings goes, "great opportunities come not when pianos are playing in the Ballroom but bombs are landing in the harbor". How are we going to prepare ourselves and exploit this great chance - by "Intelligence of Thought" or our "Smartness of Being". This is what I mean by IOT and SOB in the title!

In these days of the COVID 19 pandemic, see too many companies and people trying to be "smart" or even "smarting". Hear of companies negotiating hard on IPs of life saving products, understand a large company just announced that they will suspend all payments to suppliers invoking some legalese in the contract. We can stop paying the little guy, we can take advantage of the powerless, we can be hard-nosed even with the Government as it has its back to wall with illness and death on its hands. Similarly, we could constantly tweet sitting at home how somebody at the battlefront is bungling up or even criticize their every little initiative. This is what being smart or showing our "Smartness of Being" (SOB) is.

While we see so many smart people (and smarting people) as in above examples, there are also examples of selflessness and genuine humanitarian spirit, altruism and philanthropy. Exemplary behavior of not only healthcare workers but all the support systems are heart-warming. Companies putting much of their hard-earned IPs of healthcare products on open source and opening their doors for support is truly commendable. Several large ones have even made a 90-day no layoff pledge. This is "Intelligence of thought" or IOT at play here. And trust me, it will pay off and become a force multiplier down the road for these entities. I daresay, these are the ones that will survive this decade and beyond. The Smart ones will simply perish after their immediate windfalls - some soon enough but the rest eventually even before the decade ends.

We all have to decide one simple thing and now! While physical masks are up, our real masks have come off. Do we want the world to see our kinder, gentler facades or our uglier sides?

This is a time to think and think differently from the ways we have before. A time to meditate, to ponder, to brood, to reflect, to debate with oneself and with others. What we are going to witness is an infinitely large disruption or a Tsunamic Transformation, if I may, the world is ever to see! The pandemic is not simply going to end with every one becoming immune through natural or positive action such as an antidote or a vaccine. It will have far-reaching consequences and bring wave after wave of change to this World. Are we preparing our lives and our businesses to face this?

For starts, simplicity may be in, luxury may be out! Social contact may be out but genuine kindness may be in. Social distancing may be in for a long long time but Digital Networking may be in. Touch and feel may be out but plunging deep inside oneself may be in. Congregations may be out but true integration (into even the Society or Nation?) may be in. Protecting oneself through good hygiene will be in for sure but wishing well for the entire world and all of its residents may also be very much in. Care for the Earth and Environment will emphatically be in, questioning global warming will be quietly out. Delusional thoughts of global dominance will be out, collaboration and cooperation will be in. And finally, terrorism will be out even if it takes a little longer and humanity will be in! These are not pipe dreams of an idle "locked-down" mind but a dash of realistic belief that is sure to unfold.

Are you redesigning your strategies at a personal and entrepreneurial level for this Tsunamic Transformation? All it will take is a little less of SOBs and a lot more of IOT or Intelligence of thought..... Possible? Yes?


  1. Very insightful and deep thoughts penned beautifully. Agree with the intuitive thoughts. Rajoo Goel


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