Why this glorious union of a man and a woman called sex? Why only three li'l letters for what takes one to the apex? Is it just a hormonal sensation, or thing deep within the cortex? Whatever the source or game, an emotion seldom fails to perplex. Call it coitus, call it copulation, or some psychological complex, or intercourse or make whoopee, or a term from a medical index. So many names, so much ado, man's obsession for this reflex, but so limited are the ways of it, still so mystically it infects. Myths, mythology, spirituality gives it a respectable pretext, Phallus n female form, so holy a symbol for Hindus to Aztecs. Is sex a sop nature throws us for the genetic pool that it protects? or is it the eternal bliss that soul seeks, served out in tiny specks? Pleasure, progeny or a fetish that sucks one into this vortex, so consummate a joy, when there's consent and the latex...