Negotiation is the least spoken about but arguably the most critical part of lives - be it work, personal or daily life. We negotiate all the time in our lives - with our parents, spouses, children, friends, business associates, bosses, and even total strangers. And without even knowing that its negotiation. We would have done it even as babies. Think about that! Why does a baby yell and scream when it wants something. Its negotiating..... tough and hard!! Ever get into a discussion as a kid with your dad or mom about running an errand and you asked (negotiated) for a reward.... maybe a few bucks to go out to the movies with friends or buy yourself a candy bar!! What about spouses? Ever had to talk her out of her "headache" and to get interested in... well.... er... you know what :-) !!! We do this by instinct without quite giving it a name. And when we have to do this at work with our teams or with a customer, we suddenly give it a name and start to worry. We end up going ...