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Showing posts from May, 2008


Leave, especially for a week or two for a nice vacation , is fun. But to propose it to your boss is not exactly one even though your boss may have never rejected one. why is this? 'cos leave, unlike salary or other perks, is not an entitlement but a benefit. Means, your boss actually has to approve it for you to get/take it. Leave is often misunderstood as an entitlement. Even when the boss approves and everything is tied for your nice vacation with you loved ones, there are uncertainties lurking. In these times of crises and daily firefighting in many businesses brought on my the large economic growth and opportunities, we are never sure if we will be able to go off as planned even on sanctioned leave. The best thing to do in these situations is to plan way ahead and the first step in your plan is to go to your boss and discuss your planned vacation, period you would be gone, who would be in-charge in your absence and where you are going etc. Tell him/her this before you mak...


why does it always make me angry when something goes wrong and ....... 1. someone who should have automatically taken leadership on an issue just simply failed to do it and just waited for someone else to take the lead, and/or 2. people point a finger at their colleague(s) rather than think, "what cd I have done differently?", "did I contribute to this in anyway?" etc...... have to check with my boss(es) how many times I have done this myself!! :-)


I have always wondered.......... ask a guy where he wants to be in (personal) life in 3 or 5 years and he will tell you precisely what he wants to be, where he wants to be - wd like to have a million bucks in my bank account, wd like to be a General Manager, wd like to be married, wd like to drive a Merc or a BMW(ahem!) ... Ask him where he would like his Organisation to be in the same time period - no clue.... my boss hasn't told me yet, it is not my job of think of that!!, I am not sure if I will be around here in 3 to 5 years (more honest answer, i guess) :-) why is it always like this?